February, 2019

Easy explanation of Constantinople and the contentious Create2

Easy explanation of Constantinople and the contentious Create2

In this article we will shortly describe the upcoming Constantinople update, with the focus on Create2 – a contentious protocol that may have as many advantages as vulnerabilities. What is Constantinople? Constantinople is a hard fork, that is “a permanent divergence from the previous version of the blockchain”. As the…
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Basic Income and Blockchain part I: What is Universal Basic Income?

Basic Income and Blockchain part I: What is Universal Basic Income?

Increasing automation and the changing labour market are shifting the way working will function in the future. Full-time positions are decreasing, as more and more people choose (or are forced) to freelance jobs, while the developments in robotics and AI will mean more and more jobs will be done by…
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GDPR and Blockchain: contradictory or complementary?

GDPR and Blockchain: contradictory or complementary?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Blockchain seem to be contradictory terms, with major requirements of the regulation flying in the face of Blockchain features. But is this really the case? In this article we will explain what GDPR is and present its main points. We will also dive into…
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